Saturday, February 16, 2013

The world according to my ears

         Music isn't my life but it's a huge part of it. I recall my elementary and high school memories by associating them with songs. For example, it was in grade two when Salbakuta became popular (which reminds me that our room gets flooded back then) and it was in second year high school when Your Guardian Angel became a huge hit (the year we had a play and I brought the props).

I don’t patronize just one kind of music. As much as possible, I try to appreciate them all. (Except hard rock. Sorry. I’m not there yet.)

The kind of music I listen to depends on my mood, and my mood depends on what's in my playlist. A while ago I listened to The Scientist by Coldplay, and instantly there was heaviness in my chest. Instantly I felt frustration, loneliness, and failure. Self-hatred became my thing. Literally, all of my imperfectness entered my mind and there was the self-crap realization. (This is getting dramatic, but today didn't go well. I couldn't impress a certain person who thinks lowly of me, and it was getting hard to deceive myself that everything was OK.)

Anyway, after that I played Run by Snow Patrol. Suddenly, memories of past happiness flowed through my mind. That song reminded me of a girl who is my sister, best friend, and confidant. Somehow we're losing contact. Someday, maybe, she'd return and we'd be okay again.

I listen to a lot of pop songs. In fact, they occupy most space in my phone. I am a fan of some ‘bitch who writes songs about all her relationships.’ Truly, Taylor Swift has to fix herself, but one does not simply deny the creativity of her lyrics. Her lyrics are like Jessica Zafra’s prose in my head. This is just my opinion, don’t hate me because of this or I’ll cry.

Taylor Swift always looks pretty. Photo taken from the Internet.

The Script and OneRepublic are awesome bands! Coldplay is nice, but some of their songs are hard to sing (like Clocks for example-- it’s mostly instruments). Alicia Keys is also talented. Her songs are old, but they still get to me.

The Script being cool. Photo taken from the Internet.

Ed Sheeran has soothing voice although his lyrics are… artistically green (if you know what I mean). I patronize OPM as well. Yeng Constantino is our own version of Taylor Swift—creative lyrics, relate-able love songs, and guitar in one. But currently there's this woman whose voice I just love.

I was searching about Les Miserables--awesome movie--when I stumbled upon Lea Salonga. I watched her performance as Eponine, Fantine, and Kim on YouTube, and my golly, I was flipped!

         Why haven't I been listening to her before? She is a techie, she's married to a man she knew was the one by thinking to herself 'Why didn't I meet him in the beginning?' and she can cook. She can attach a doorknob, too!

          Now I know why Anna Oposa loves her very much.

          Here's a photo of her I got from the net playing Eponine of Les Miserables.

Lea Salonga playing Eponine. Photo was taken from the Internet.

           Isn't she just pretty?


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