Friday, February 22, 2013

Love and other matters

If you ask me what love is, it will take too much time and space to explain. But I won’t give up on you, which is why on a single paragraph, here is what love means to me:

Love is when God created you because He trusts you; love is when your parents work hard for your welfare; love is when your brother lets you sleep on his side of the bed; and, love is when you let your friends bully you because they’re allowed to.

I have a long list, but I’d rather not enumerate them all. Besides, the deal was that I’d define it in a paragraph which I already did. Now for other matters, these are the things that blur the meaning of love.

For example, the time you didn't keep your promise to God, the time you fought with your parents because they didn't understand why you were acting childish, the time you yelled at your brother because he wouldn't respect you, and the time your friends bullied you way too much that the pain lingered.

I also have a long list of other matters but I won’t expound on it because I didn't expound on love.

Simply, I just want to say that no matter how blurry, you must still acknowledge the presence of love. Despite all the hate, all the anger, all the sadness, and all the hurt, still you must tell yourself that surely, somebody somewhere appreciates you. Still you must tell yourself that you’re not hopeless because God still gives you the right to exist.

No matter how hard, no matter how unreasonable people are, no matter how they hurt you, still you must look forward and say that beyond the clouds, there is a kind of Love who won’t leave you if all else fails.

I tell you this not because I am a positive person who intends to write a whole book about the good life. If you know me, you probably think that it’s not my thing. I’m posting this for my future self, too, if all else fails because to tell you the truth, I've seen a glimpse of the dark side—the emotional, self-consuming guilt, and the erupting feeling of emptiness. When everything goes wrong, look up and tell yourself that you’re here for a reason even after people degrade you as a kind of trash they enjoy stepping on.

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