Saturday, February 16, 2013

Just another dust

        I wanted to introduce myself the awesome way. Now don’t worry, there’s no need to tell me after reading that very first sentence that I failed because (1) I wrote it, (2) even re-read it, and (3) just couldn't improve it.

Why am I even introducing myself? I, who am just a tiny dust in the universe, would like to be known as that tiny dust who tried blogging again.

See, my pink journal managed to run away, which also means I lost a channel for my thoughts. That journal contains the tiniest detail about my love life, every single piece of the skeleton in my closet, and it also narrates my secret weird dream. It’s gone now, and to whoever finds it, I have two wishes. Please don’t laugh at my grammar. And pretty please take my thoughts seriously because even though the very first entry should be enough to make you laugh (the title says something like ‘It’s Love’—okay, that REALLY is the title), by the middle you should know that I have matured. You really should because that journal covers three years of my life.

  After the tragedy of losing my journal, I realized that nothing should ever stop me from writing my ideas simply because going crazy isn't in my plans. The idea that some stranger might hear my thoughts is assuring enough. Somehow.

I have published a lot of blog entries online and erased the same. It’s a cycle. First, I write something emotional and then publish it. Months later, after reviewing the entry, I’d delete it. Repeat until I die. If you’re reading this, that means I have gathered the confidence to post again, and that means the cycle still holds true.

  Welcome to my life. If you don't mind, I'd just speak my stuff. Starting with music.

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