Monday, May 20, 2013

Honey and some clover, please?

            I've been wanting to post about Honey and Clover (H&C) for two months now, but I got pre-occupied with other things like internship and procrastination. H&C is one of the best animes I ever watched, one that was heartfelt since I was especially heartbroken the time I saw it. It's an anime that revolves around the lives and love affairs of five (5) characters.

        The Main Characters of Honey and Clover. From left to right: Yamada, Morita, Hagu, and Takemoto.
Behind Morita is Mayama. Photo taken from the Internet.

Mainly, the characters are Hagu, Yamada, Morita, Takemoto, and Mayama. My favorite character is Yamada, she was the girl who helplessly fell in love with a guy (Mayama) who was madly in love with another woman. She often cried and whenever she was hurt, so was I.

Yamada, crying in front of a Ferris Wheel. Photo taken from the Internet.

           Meanwhile, Hagu was the perfect character. If you’re an avid anime fan, you should know about how there’s always a perfect character. She was very pretty, blonde, and talented. That’s the reason why two guys fell in love with her at first glance. The two guys are, of course, Morita and Takemoto.
Hagu's face when Morita and Takemoto first saw her. Photo taken from the Internet.

 Of the two guys, I liked Morita more. He was very perky, as talented as Hagu, and he was filthy rich, too. Takemoto played the good guy Greg, and I didn’t like him much. It wasn’t because he was a good guy, it was because he reminded me of people saying they love somebody, but then, being too scared to do anything about it.

Shinobu Morita and his older brother, Kaoru. The plot of his family is nice, too. 
Photo taken from the Internet.

In the end, Hagu chose her Uncle Shuuji who is also in love with her (incest alert). She chose him to take care of her, give his life to her, as she was being treated to be able to paint again. Did I mention she got into a life-changing accident?

            H&C is, relatively, a short anime compared to Inu Yasha and Naruto, but since it wasn’t fantasy, it was enough. The ending would leave you hanging, but needless to say, all of the characters reached their dreams. In my opinion, that is. 

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