Monday, May 27, 2013

Guess who got Enchanted?

Last May 26, Sunday, Rav and I went to Enchanted Kingdom (EK). Originally, the plan was to go there months ago, but then she failed to file her leave on time so it was cancelled. Honestly, I thought it was never going to happen, but here I am, blogging about the fun we had.

The last time I went there, I was four years old. It’s been 15 years, EK! And we meet again!

The most fun rides are Anchor’s Away, Disc-O’-Magic, Log Jam, and Space Shuttle. Anchor’s Away took me by surprise, I thought it was a light ride that we sat by the end of it to have a better ‘feel.’ Man, those few minutes almost took my breath away! When it started throwing us higher and higher, I started to scream like AAAAH! WOOOH! MAMA! WHERE ARE YOU WHEN I NEED YOU?

We asked an EK staff to take a picture of us before we go Anchor's Away.

Disc-O’-Magic made me dizzy a lot. My eyes were open the whole time to savor the moment, and I felt really dizzy what with all the circular motion. But it was A-OK! You’d feel really secure with it, so it isn't as scary as should be, but it’s mighty good!

The dizzying Disc-O'-Magic with Eldar in the middle.

Log Jam was a short and wet ride. The first time we went down from an uphill slope, it made me scream big time. We had no seat-belts on or whatever and we had to literally hang on for dear life! The second time we went down, I screamed with anticipation since it was higher, but I shouldn't have: I was not afraid afterwards. Like, what? That’s it? Needless to say, it got us wet and scared for a while, so the ride is also in my list of fun rides.

Is my imitation of Eldar good enough?
Somebody is scared of heights. The Ferris Wheel was not as high as I thought it would be
 nor was it fast and scary nor fun. I was a little bit disappointed.
Last but not the least, the Space Shuttle. Rav won’t ride it with me, so I waited the long line alone. It was not supposed to be my turn yet, but the train had two vacant seats by the end. The people in front of me were in group of threes and fives, and when I was asked, ‘How many are you with  Ma’am?’ I motioned with my index finger, ‘I'm alone.’ And so I had to ride almost at the back (again) alone, and had the ride of my life! My eyes were wide open as we were sent to higher altitude, but when the train started moving fast I closed my eyes. I opened my eyes twice, saw the sky, regretted it, opened it again, and saw the flashing lights of cameras. It felt nice being thrown and everything, but I regretted having closed my eyes afterwards. I was a brave girl, I told myself, and now I brag about it here. Huh.

The trail for the Space Shuttle
We also rode the Carousel to get even dizzier after Disc-O'-Magic.

The sad part of the trip was the rain. If it hadn't rained, we could have been able to ride the Anchor's Away and Space Shuttle twice! And we could have got the time to ride EKstreme, too. Nonetheless, it was a day to remember, way better than my EK memory from when I was four.

The wet look we had after the Rio Grande Rapids. Man, Ania  was really unlucky with
that one. I hated how it wet my shoes.

Rav and I had a really good time catching up what was going on with each other’s life. Thanks to her I got to go to EK, have a great bonding moment with an old friend, and forget about all the drama I’d been afflicting myself with. Thanks, Rav!

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